We all love our pets and want to see them live long, healthy lives. But, as with humans, illnesses like cancer can strike at any age. An early diagnosis of cancer in animals can lead to better treatment options and help save lives. Here are several common early signs of cancer in dogs that every pet owner should know. Contact our veterinary oncology service if you have questions or concerns about your pet.

Weight Loss

Rapid weight loss or a distinct loss of appetite could indicate gastrointestinal troubles in your dog. A disinterest in regular meals or losing weight despite eating regular meals could both be signs of a pet emergency.

Behavior Changes

Is your energetic dog suddenly lethargic and tired? Is your reserved pup suddenly snapping and barking at strangers? Drastic behavioral changes could be a product of pain or tumor growths.

Mouth Troubles

Pale gums, bleeding gums, or particularly bad breath are all potential indicators of cancer or other dental problems. Check your dog’s mouth regularly so that you know what a healthy mouth looks like and can quickly identify any changes.

Vomiting and Diarrhea

Prolonged issues with vomiting and diarrhea in your dog should be a cause for a veterinarian visit in any case. If it’s accompanied by a distended belly or other symptoms on this list, book an appointment with veterinary oncology services, too.

Lumps and Bumps

Unusual lumps, bumps, or other anomalies on your dog’s skin often send pet owners into a panic. They’re not always cancerous, but you’ll need to have your veterinary oncology specialists do a biopsy to find out for sure.

Most owners will go to great lengths to get their pets the care they need. Spotting the signs of cancer early can increase your chances of successful treatment and save both you and your pet a lot of time and pain. Whenever you’re in doubt, contact our veterinary oncology services for help or assistance.