You never know when an emergency might happen to your pet. Whether it’s an injury from an unexpected fight, a food allergy emergency, or they’re lost in your neighborhood, it’s important to be prepared. Make sure you carry a first aid kit for them at all times so you can ensure safety for your pet. Here are some essential items you should always have in that first aid kit.

Emergency contact information

More specifically, your contact information and your family veterinarian’s contact information. Your information is important if your pet gets lost. If your contact information is on your dog’s collar, someone will be able to call you when they find them. And then there’s your animal hospital’s information. If your pet sustains a serious injury or becomes ill, you’ll have the phone number to your animal medical center right there in the first aid kit so you don’t have to frantically Google it. (Another good phone number is for Animal Poison Control, so keep that number in mind, as well.)


If you ever need to tend to an injury, it would be incredibly difficult to cut the gauze, tape, splints, etc., without a pair of scissors.


Ask your veterinarian for a backup supply of medications for your pet for your first aid kit. These should be any prescribed medications and anything else that might be useful to your pet in an emergency. For example, you may even store flea medication, flea collars, and other preventative items in your emergency first aid kit, as well.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can be useful for preliminary wound cleaning in case your pet sustains a cut or laceration. It can also be used to induce vomiting if your pet ingests something they shouldn’t have. For example, raisins and grapes can be toxic to dogs. If your dog accidentally gets into some grape-flavored trouble, it’s important to induce vomiting right away.

Blankets and towels

If your pet is suffering from anxiety or is easily frightened, you can swaddle them in a blanket or a towel to help them calm down. If your pet is particularly prone to anxiety, you may want to have a compression vest in this kit, as well. The towel can also be used in case there is a wound severe enough to produce a lot of blood.

When you’re spending money on your pet, don’t forget about their safety, too. Keep these items in a first aid kit at all times. Make sure you also know where all the animal medical centers, emergency veterinarians, and pet hospitals are in your area just in case something happens that your first aid kit can’t mend. You don’t need to wait for an emergency to become familiar with our veterinary services. Get the best care you can find for all of your pet’s health needs. We are more than just an animal hospital. Call 520-888-3177 for more information about our specialty services on site, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.